What is a Data Trigger?
Data Triggers will allow you to alert members of your organization when thresholds for specific metrics are triggered. Please keep in mind that the configuration and viewing of these Data Triggers is based on the permissions associated with your role. If you can't see the option on the Left Hand Menu for Data Triggers, please contact your organization's administrator or Catapult Support.
How do I create a Data Trigger?
Ensure Data Triggers is enabled as a permission for your role
You can create Data Triggers via Data Triggers → Configurations.
In the top right-hand corner will be a button to create a New Data Trigger.
The first part of the Form is where you should input the following:
Title: The Title of the Data Trigger. It is this Title that will display as the Subject for the Notification E-mail, in the Data Configuration Table, Events Table, and Notifications Table.
Notification Method: Here you can select:
None: The event/notification will display on the table only
E-mail Only: You will get an e-mail notification only.
- Push Notification: A notification will be sent to your mobile, if you have the Catapult Forms App downloaded. Clicking on this notification will bring up the information around the element that has been triggered within the app.
Web Only: You will get a web notification only.
E-mail and Web: You will get an e-mail and web notification.
Notification Schedule: Here you have the option to select:
Immediate: As soon as a record is submitted you will get your preferred notification method above.
Grouped: Here you can select the receive grouped updated every 15 minutes (delivered at quarter past, half past, quarter to and on the hour), 30 minutes (delivered at half past and on the hour), 45 minutes (delivered every 45 mins), 1 hour (delivered every hour on the hour) or 2 hours (delivered every even hour on the hour).
Notification Recipients: These are the Users that will receive the notification configured above. If the User only has permission to View Events/Notifications and not also View All, this is the only events/notifications they will see. There is the option to select All Team, Groups, Squads, Roles and User(s) here.
Subject User/ Group Selection: These are the Users that the Data Trigger will apply for. There is the option to select All Team, Groups, Squads, Roles and User(s) here. Generally if you want to be alerted on player answers, the player role, playing groups or individual players should be the chosen recipient here.
The second part of the Data Trigger is all related to what Source and Source Type will determine the Data Trigger Alert.
Label: The Label of the Data Trigger Group will display at the top of the notification and event with all condition labels below it.
Source Type: This will be all source types you have access to via Reportables permission. Once selected this will determine what sources can be used in the Trigger Formula.
Condition Label: This will be nested under the Group Label and show via the event and notification tables. This will also affect how how the information comes through to emails, as it will display in order of severity.
Severity: This will display on the event and notification tables.
Trigger Events and Notifications
- Events are every data point that has triggered an alert. Multiple events make up a Data Trigger Notification.
- Notifications will either display in the notification table only, then also via web and/or via e-mail. This is determined based on the Data Trigger Configuration.
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