The Training tab of the Individual Profile allows team to set six graphs to display data from their data capture forms.
These six graphs can either display the Last 7 days or Last 30 days data. They can be configured to show 7 and 28 rolling averages/sums allowing teams to get an idea of A:C Load via this tab of the Profile.
Please note that the configuration of charts must be done within the Team Context (by those with permission). Players cannot configure their own charts to display.
How to Configure the Chart:
- To configure the chart select the settings cog in the top right hand corner of the graph.
- Once you hover over it is will display 'Chart Settings'
- This will open the configuration window
- Give the chart a Title
- Select the test you wish to use then select the element within that test you wish to display
- If you choose to display rolling data make sure they are on and select the calculation method as either average or sum
- Lastly, choose which values you want to display for each date:
- Latest Values
- Average
- Sum
- Count
- Minimum
- Maximum
- Click apply once you have filled out all fields
- The chart will then populate
- You can click on the data labels to remove them from the display and isolate a specific trace
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