Forms Template: This is the most common template for event. This allows you to create an event linked to a form. When you enable this, all forms created will display in the drop down.
General Template: This is the most common template for event. This allows you to simply create the event and does not link to any other areas of the platform.
Test Template: Provides a link to a test of your Catapult AMS platform. Members viewing this event will have a quick hyperlink to complete this test.
Wellness Template: Much like the test template this will prompt users to complete their wellness. When viewing the event members will have a link to complete their wellness.
Game/Match: This is only used to ensure fixtures you create in Seasons, Phases and Fixtures automatically populate into the calendar once created. Any pre game notes and post game notes will also automatically link to this event.
Workout/Training Session: This will link to training sessions that have been created via Coaching - Training Sessions. When creating the event you will have the option to display the training sessions straight away or after a certain time.
S&C Program: Any programs created in Strength and Conditioning will populate into the calendar and have a link to the specific workout.
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