To Configure Alerts:
- Select 'Administration' and 'Configuration' from the left-hand menu.
- Select 'Alerting'.
- A list of all created alerts will appear in a table.
- To create a new alert, select 'Create New Alert' from the top right-hand side of the table (see 'Creating Alerts' below).
- To edit an already existing alert, select the green 'Edit' pen in the far right column of the test element you wish to edit (see 'Edit and Delete Alerts' below).
- Test elements can be found easily by searching in the filter to the top right-hand of the list of alerts.
- The alerts list can be copied, printed or exported by selecting the corresponding button located at the top right-hand side of the alerts list.
- The number of items shown per page can be changed by selecting the drop-down menu to the left of the 'Copy, Print, Export' buttons. You can navigate between pages by selecting the arrows to the lower right-hand side of the table.
Creating an Alert:
Alerts can be created as 'Standard' or 'Percentage Change', which effects the information required for the alert. They both allow for multiple conditions to trigger an alert, but only the 'Percentage Change' alert can distinguish between these conditions.
- To create a new alert, select 'Create New Alert' from the top right-hand side of the table and fill out the relevant details.
- Select the test element that you want to create the alert for.
- The users are the members that the alert will apply for. It can be a global alert, or for specific groups.
- If the alert type selected is a 'Standard' alert, fill out the condition and value. More conditions can be added by selecting the grey '+' icon beside the condition. A condition can be deleted by selecting the red '-' icon. Select the appropriate status.
- If the alert type selected is a 'Percentage Change' alert, a status can be included for each condition. Add or remove conditions using the '+' and '-' icons to the right of the condition.
- There are options to include alerts in reports and to send emails to appropriate staff when an alert is triggered. Select these as you wish.
- If you have selected an email to be sent when alerts are triggered, complete the details regarding email recipients and text.
- Select the green 'Create Alert' button in the bottom right-hand side of the screen.
Edit and Delete Alerts
Over time your players may progress or become injured and they require modified alerts to be set. From the alerts page you can edit or delete your alerts to account for this.
- To edit an already existing alert, select the green 'Edit' pen in the far right column of the test element you wish to edit.
- On the subsequent screen there is a green 'Edit' icon and a red 'Delete' icon to the right of the alert details.
- Selecting the 'Edit' icon will take you to a screen similar to when you created the alert. After making changes, select 'Save Changes' from the bottom right-hand of the screen.
- Selecting the 'Delete' icon will bring up a popup requesting confirmation to permanently delete the alert. Select 'Yes, delete' to permanently delete the alert.
- From this screen there is also the option to create a new alert for that test element, by selecting 'Create New Alert' in the top right-hand of the screen.
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