What is Data Capture?
Data capture is basically tests that the Catapult AMS staff set up on your account. When you first login to your account you will have a few basic tests enabled on your account such as Body Weight. The Catapult AMS team are also able to configure new custom tests for you. This will be explained below.
Where can I find Data Capture on the platform?
Data Capture is broken up into different categories and can be found in a number of different areas of the platform. It is broken up into different categories to ensure that only relevant staff with the correct permissions can capture data for certain tests, such as Medical Tests.
Data Capture can fall under any of these areas:
- Coaching
- Strength and Conditioning
- Prevention and Rehabilitation
- Sports Medicine
- Administration
On the Catapult AMS platform all tests that you have enabled on your account will fall under these Left Hand Menu items. For example under Strength and Conditioning you may find a menu item called Fitness and Monitoring Tests. If you click into this page you will find all tests enabled on your account that fall under the Strength and Conditioning Category.
The Catapult AMS platform also allows other ways to capture data such as tablet, mobile, touch screen and CSV import.
What does data capture relate to?
Data Capture relates to a number of areas of the platform.
- Reporting - All data collected in the data capture can be reported on.
- Alerts - The Catapult AMS platform allows you to set alerts based upon elements within the data capture tests you have on your account. These alerts can be global or individualized. For example you may wish to receive an alert when anyone in the team reports their fatigue is low or you can be more specific and set an alert when Athlete X's body weight falls below XXkg.
- Performance Monitoring Dashboard - We offer a number of different dashboards to allow you to view the data you want all in one place. The Performance Monitoring Dashboard gives you quick access to wellness and test data.
- Athlete Profile - All athletes profiles can be configured to show data from a variety of sources.
Everything will be explained in greater detail later on and start to make more sense as we get you up and running on your platform.
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