Adding a Pivot Table
Click the + button in one of the squares of the report you are configuring.
Select Add Pivot Table from the list of options.
This will then open up the configuration window (see below).
Row and Columns Sources
You must first configure how you wish to display the columns and rows of the table you are creating.
Click into the Source Type and you will be presented with the options:
- General (e.g user name, week, month etc)
- Seasons, Phases, Fixtures (as created in Administration - Configuration - Seasons Phases Fixtures)
- Wellness (all wellness data)
- Medical (Injury, Illness and Treatment Notes)
- Data Capture (any test set up on you platform)
Once you select your source type, you can then select the specific source.
You will then want to add a column source. Click the Add Column Source button below the row source.
This will then allow you to select the source type and specific source much like you did above with the row.
You can then add multiple columns sources if you wish simply by clicking the Add button and selecting a source type and specific source.
In this example I will add one column source as user name and another as months (please see below):
This is how it will display on your table:
Now that we have configured our rows and columns we now need to decide what values are to be displayed.
Like with rows and columns, please select the source type and specific source via the Values options.
You can add multiple values to your table and simply click the X button to remove them.
The values will display underneath each column source as shown below:
For each value you select you can determine how they are calculated. The options are:
- Count - Number of occurrences.
- Minimum - Minimum number.
- Maximum - Maximum number.
- Average - Total/Count.
- Sum - Total
- Most Frequent - The Mode. The value with the most entries.
- Least Frequent - Value will least entries. Useful when trying to determine any outliers in the data.
The last part of the Row and Column configuration gives you three options as to how data is displayed in the table. Those options are:
- Disable Row Totals - This will remove summary data at the end of each row.
Row Totals Enabled:
Row Totals Disabled:
- Disable Footer Totals - This will display summary data at the bottom of each column.
Footer Totals Enabled:
Footer Totals Disabled:
- Pin Footer - This can only be selected if you have footer totals enabled. This will pin the totals to the bottom of the widget. If this is disabled the footer will display after the last row entry.
Pin Footer Enabled:
Pin Footer Disabled:
The next part of the configuration allows you to select who to data applies for (team, group and/or individual), the date range to select the data from (fixed or dynamic), whether you want to group the data, filter it and/or order it.
Select Users and Group:
In this section, by default, the users you selected when initially setting up the report will be chosen.
This is pre-populated for your convenience if creating a report for the same user(s), however you still have the ability to configure which user(s) you want to display data for in each chart.
Clicking into the field will show you the drop down. This will give you a list of All Team (Users, Average and Sum), Each Group (Users, Average and Sum) and each member.
If you select all team, a group or any member the data will display for each member you select.
If you select all team (average) or group (average), the data will display only the average of the group or team.
If you select team (sum) or group (sum), the data will display the total for the group or team.
Select Date Range:
Much like Users and Groups, in this section, by default, the date range you selected when initially setting up the report will be chosen.
This is pre-populated for your convenience to save you time. However, it can be configured per chart.
Filter By:
The chart may be filtered by any of the fields you are able to report on. For example you may wish to view the average sessions missed along with the total sessions missed for the team.
You are then able to filter the data to show you the average games missed and total games missed when the type of injury was a fracture.
Likewise, you can filter the data to only display the data from one member so, using the example above, the average and total games missed will apply to that one member.
The following options are available when filtering data:
- =
- field is equal to X
- !=
- field is not equal to X
- In
- multiple values can be selected. For example user name In Player X, Player Y and Player Z
- >
- field is greater than X
- <
- field is less than X
- >=
- field is greater than or equal to X
- <=
- field is less than or equal to X
Group By:
Like in normal reporting, you are able to group your results by another field(s).
For example you may wish to view all causes of injury then group then by the side or part of the body they affected.
Order By:
The last part of the chart configuration allows you to order the data alphabetically by any field in injury, illness, treatment notes and general.
Please note that ordering grouped data will overwrite any grouping you may have.
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