Injuries (
- Create
This will allow users to create injuries. A green +create new injury button will show in the top right hand corner of the injury page.
- Delete
This will allow users to delete injuries that have been created. A red trash can icon will show under the actions column of the injury list.
- Edit
This will allow users to edit injuries that have been created. A green pencil icon will show under the actions column of the injury list.
- Export
This will allow users to download an excel export of injuries only or injuries with treatment notes.
- Injury Notes
- Create
This allows the user to create notes on the injury via the Notes tab of the injury form.
This page is only accessible through creation of an injury or editing an injury so the user must have those relevant permission enabled.
- Injury Notes
- Delete
This allows the user to delete notes on the injury. A red trash can icon will show next to each notes against the injury.
This page is only accessible through editing an injury so the user must have those relevant permission enabled.
- Injury Notes
- Edit
This allows the user to edit notes on the injury. A pencil icon will show next to each notes against the injury.
This page is only accessible through editing an injury so the user must have those relevant permission enabled.
Injury Report (
This is only for NRL teams. This allows access to the Injury Report page.
Medical Notes (Individual Profile - Medical History - General Medical & Rehab Notes)
- Access (select)
This allows the user to view medical notes made against players.
With Access (select) granted:
Without Access (select) granted:
- Create
This allows users to add medical notes against players.
If they do not have this permission they will get an error when they try to post a note (see below).
- Medical Note Categories
- Access (select)
This allows user to have access to the Medical Notes Categories Settings within Administration - Configuration (Settings).
The user will not be able to access the above page with this permission in isolation. They must also have the ability to create, update or delete. This permission basically gives the user access to the medical note categories to perform their level of access (create, edit or delete).
- Medical Note Categories
- Create
This allows users to create new categories on medical notes. A green create medical note category will show in the top right hand corner of the page.
The user will also need access (select) enable to get to this page.
- Medical Note Categories
- Delete
This allows users to delete medical note categories. An options button will show at the end of each row. Once pressed the user will have the ability to delete (so long as there is no existing notes attached to that category) the category of medical note.
The user will also need access (select) enable to get to this page.
- Medical Note Categories
- Update
This allows users to edit medical note categories. An options button will show at the end of each row. Once pressed the user will have the ability to edit the category of medical note. Only those categories with no existing notes will allow for name changes.
The user will also need access (select) enable to get to this page.
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