Adding groups to your account can be beneficial to your account in many ways. They can help organize, filter, speed up a workflow for selection of athletes, and help to restrict data access for staff members to only the groups assigned to them.
Adding a Group:
To add a group navigate to Administration - Configuration - Groups:
Click the Create Group button found in the top right hand corner.
This will then take you to the group creation page.
You need to specify the following details:
- Group Type: Training (Players only), Competition (Players Only), Positional (Players Only), Staff (Staff Only) and Other
- Squad: If this group relates to a squad select this here.
- Group Name
- Members - Select the players from the left and click the arrow to add them to the group on the right
- Add Staff to Group - Add staff to this group. This relates to Member Data Restrictions which is explained here: Assigning Staff to Groups
Once all information has been inputted click Create.
Viewing and Editing Groups:
To view all groups navigate to Administration - Configuration - Groups
You can then edit the members by clicking the green pencil icon or delete the group by selecting the red trash can icon.
Please note that Training Groups can also be edited via Groups Management.
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