Note: if this feature is not yet enabled for your team, you will need to contact AMS Support to request it.
Using the Assigning Staff to Groups feature, staff visibility can be controlled so that certain staff members see only the players in the groups they are assigned to.
This keeps them focussed on the players they manage, and all other players on the team will not be visible. Athlete names and their associated data will not appear for Staff who are not assigned to any Groups the Athlete is a member of.
If this feature has been enabled for your team, there are 2 ways to assign Staff Members to Groups.
Assign staff to a new or existing Group from Administration
When creating a new Group or editing an existing Group (under Administration > Configuration > Groups) a new options will be available to "Assign Staff to Group" (see below).
Assign Groups when adding a new Staff Member to AMS
When adding a new staff member to your team, you can manage their Groups Assignment directly from the Add User window.
If the Groups Assignment feature is enabled for your team, it will be mandatory to make a decision about Groups Assignment whenever you add a new Staff Member to your team.
On the Member List, click Add User, and note the two options: Unassigned and Choose group(s).
Choosing Unassigned will mean this user will be invited to the team and have no visibility of ANY athletes or data until they are later assigned to at least one group.
Click Choose group(s) to allow this new staff member to have visibility of athletes once they have accepted their invitation. When this option is selected, a field will appear below where you can click to see a dropdown of groups in the team, or begin typing to search for a group on the team.
Once the correct groups have been selected and all required details have been entered, click Add.
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