Training sometimes requires teams to travel to offsite locations where an internet connection may not be established, or data may have been previously recorded using external sources. In these situations, it is not practical to use the individual or bulk capture features of AMS by Catapult. However, test data can still be recorded and uploaded through the use of CSV files.
Using CSV files includes downloading a template from the AMS site prior to a testing session. Data can be inputted into this template and uploaded after the session concludes, to ensure all data is still logged in the one location. From the Data Capture page, the icon can be found under the 'Options' column. Select this to begin the 5-step process to uploading a CSV file.
Import Data: Upload
- Select from the options the kind of data that you are importing - test, user, wellness, class, program or score.
- Ensure that if you have already recorded the data, the date is in the correct format.
- If you are yet to conduct the test, select from the drop-down menu the template you need and select 'Download .csv Template'.
- Ensure you select what test you are importing data for.
- Once data has been recorded, select 'Choose File' to find and upload the .csv file. You can select from the computer, Google Drive, OneDrive or a URL to find the file.
- Select 'Next' at the bottom of the screen to continue to the next step.
Import Data: Field Mapping and Member Mapping
Once the file has been selected you are taken to the 'Field Mapping' and 'Member Mapping' steps, in that order. These are required to be completed properly so that AMS can appropriately match information within its system to the data that is being uploaded in the CSV file.
- On the 'Field Mapping' page you are provided with a list of elements that are involved with the particular test you have conducted.
- Select the corresponding 'Set column as key identifier' icon next to the element that is the key identifier. This is the distinguishing variable that will allow AMS to link data to the correct player.
- AMS will now automatically match the columns from the CSV file to the test elements. Check that the headings have matched up correctly, and that the date format is correct.
- Select 'Next' to go to the Member Mapping page.
- If the names in the CSV file match the names of users in the system, the Member Mapping page should appear already completed. If AMS hasn't been able to link a player, an error message will appear and you will be required to select the appropriate player from a drop-down menu next to their name.
- Select 'Next' to continue to the next step.
Import Data: Process File and Complete
On the Process File page check that all of the details of the import are correct. If they are, select the 'Start Import' button located at the bottom of the screen. The import should then begin. Depending on the size of the file, the import may take quite a while, so you are able to continue using other aspects of AMS with the import running in the background. Any errors that occur during the import will appear as a list. Download the CSV file and correct the errors. Re-upload following the same process.
At any stage you are able to cancel the import, or go back a step by selecting the appropriate buttons located at the bottom of the screen at each step.
Troubleshooting Incomplete CSV Uploads:
CSV uploads can sometimes fail, and it is important to reflect on the information you receive from AMS in order to resurrect the mistake.
If you face this screen following your data upload please check all your columns and rows. More than likely you have not filled in all sections in the columns or rows.
If you see this screen please follow the prompts and download the link advised.
AMS will upload all the correct data you've entered and give you a CSV of the rows were you've made errors. The CSV errors table will display only your errors and describe the rows where you've made errors. Once you've corrected the errors please ensure you delete the new column that detailed your errors as you don't want to upload that column.
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