Whether it be related to outcome, performance or process goals, the aim of training is to see results.
For coaches, the Performance Monitoring Dashboard provides a view of player information focused on training outcomes. It is capable of displaying the results for any test and any combination of test results, according to the coach's needs. It also has the functionality to show how the latest test result has changed in comparison with past results. As with the Overview and Availability Dashboards players can be filtered according to their group or competition, with any number of groups viewed at one time.
The Performance Monitoring Dashboard is accessed by selecting 'Dashboard' from the left-hand menu and 'Performance Monitoring' in the first dropdown menu indicated below.
Player Summary
The Player Summary is capable of displaying test results or wellness scores for each individual player. It can be configured to display squads as per the Overview and Availability Dashboards.
Finding or Viewing Players
As per the Overview and Availability Dashboard, the default view is to View All with players grouped by Training Groups.
Use the second drop-down menu above the table to select between different squads, and the third to select between groups.
Groups can be hidden by clicking the arrow beside their group name in the 'Player Summary' table.
Please utilise the search box in the top right hand corner to search for a specific athlete:
The data that is displayed on the 'Player Summary' table can be customised according to the coach's needs. Columns can be added or removed so that different test data can be displayed.
Adding a Column
- Click the Settings () cog in the upper right-hand corner of the Player Summary table. A 'Player Summary Widget Settings' pop-up will appear.
- Select ‘Add column’ from the upper or lower right-hand side of the pop-up. A new page will appear with a number of areas that are required to fill out.
- Select whether the new column is either a Test Element or Wellness.
- Select the test the element comes from, by selecting the drop-down menu under 'Test Name'. Once you have selected a test, you will be able to select the element from the drop-down menu under 'Test Element'. If applicable, you may wish to add a unit of measure by typing the box located under 'Units'.
- Next, determine how your results will be displayed by selecting 'Element Settings'.
- 'Calculation Type' relates to what value will be displayed. By selecting the drop-down menu, you can select from the latest value, the average, sum of, maximum or minimum of the recorded results, or a count of the results recorded.
- 'Date Range' relates to the time frame that results are selected from. Select the drop-down menu and select from one of the available ranges. NOTE: 'Latest Value' cannot be selected if a calculation has been selected as multiple results are required to run the calculation.
- Indicator settings can be applied to show how your results change across time. Select the calculation type (if any) and the value range you want to use as reference. These options are identical to those available at the 'Element Settings' stage.
- Select ‘Save Column’ in the lower right-hand corner of the popup to create the column. It will now appear in the Player Summary Widget Settings Screen. If at any stage you decide not to create the column, select the 'Back' icon next to 'Save Column'.
Filtering Columns
Now that you have set up the column data, the Dashboard can be filtered per column to help you further limit your search and flag any potential issues.
The Member Name column can be filtered by any players name.
The data columns you have set up can be filtered by the results they yield. The Catapult AMS platform allows you to select the following filter options:
- Is Equal to
- Is Not Equal To
- Is greater than or equal to
- Is greater than
- Is less than or equal to
- Is Less than
The platform will allow you to filter multiple columns at once.
Changing the Player Summary Display
From the 'Player Summary Widget Settings' pop-up you are also able to change the display of the 'Player Summary' table. This includes options to show player profile images, edit or delete columns, or 'hiding' columns from view.
- Access the 'Player Summary Widget Settings' popup by selecting the settings cog.
- To show a player's profile image on the table, click the box located to the left of 'Show Player Profile Images'.
- To edit a column, select the edit icon to the right of the column name you wish to edit. You will be taken to the editing screen of 'Player Summary Widget Settings' popup. Make your changes and select 'Save Changes'.
- To delete a column, select the icon to the right of the column name you wish to delete. NOTE: You will not receive a confirmation to delete, so take care before selecting this button as it will permanently delete the column and it will have to be created again.
- Columns can be made hidden on the Player Summary table by unticking the box to the left of the column name. Select the same box to make the columns visible again.
- Select 'Save Changes' to the upper or lower right-hand side of the widget to save your changes. Alternatively, select 'Close' at any stage to close the widget without saving.
How Catapult AMS Calculates Weekly Averages
When calculating averages from "this week", the system will take the value from the day you are currently in and the values up to and including the Monday just gone. For example if it's Friday the 24th, the system will take information from Monday the 20th (Monday just gone) to Friday the 24th (today) inclusive.
When calculating averages for the "previous week" the system will take values from the the Sunday just gone and the Monday previous. For example if it's Friday the 24th, the system will take information from Sunday the 19th (Sunday just gone) to Monday the 13th inclusive.
Team Widgets
Team widgets provide a visual snapshot of your chosen elements, as they do in the Availability Dashboard. The widgets that are created in the Availability Dashboard are not visible in the Performance Monitoring Dashboard and vice versa. If the same widget is required, they need to be configured in both Dashboards. Refer to the 'Team Widgets' section of the Availability Dashboard guide for information on how to configure team widgets.
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